A Bespoke Medical Practice in Barbados
There's a good chance that you are visiting this page because you or a family member have one or more chronic conditions, and you may feel that the medical system has failed you.
Perhaps the medical system has made you feel that what you are experiencing is all in your head. Or maybe the doctors you have seen appear not to be really interested in listening, or are willing only to address one problem at a time instead of looking at the whole picture. Maybe, you have been overloaded with prescription medications that do not help much, or are making things worse due to medication side-effects. Functional medicine is the future of medicine and is designed to address these issues today.
Our current system was not designed to heal chronic health conditions. The system we have inherited was borne out of the necessity to combat infectious disease and to treat acute illness.
A medication-driven approach works well for acute diseases and infections, where there is one problem and one solution, the same can be said of surgery. But, we know now that chronic conditions are different, they are multi-factorial and develop over long periods of time and in many cases are due to the interplay of a combination of factors. So where do we go from here?
In spite of this knowledge of multiple factors, our flawed health care system continues to look at us through a fragmented lens of body parts and organ systems, and searches for a magic bullet for each problem. There is little acknowledgement of the role that genetics, the microbiome, environmental exposures and lifestyle play in health and disease. There is no recognition of the body’s remarkable regenerative healing capabilities and that food/nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, sleep, botanicals and supplements can be used therapeutically and have been shown to be equally or more effective than pharmaceuticals. (P.S The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth by Irving Kirsch)
Most of us would welcome a new paradigm for health and healing, a personalized approach that looks at us as a whole, acknowledges that chronic illness develops over many years and that sometimes you have to dive deep into the past to find the clues that we need to identify the root cause(s) rather than just putting band-aids on symptoms. An approach that helps harness the body’s ability to heal itself. We want back our health and vitality and want to live free of pain, anxiety, depression, uncontrollable weight gain and disability. We want an approach that is "tailor made" for each of us to achieve better outcomes. This is our hope for the future of all of healthcare and at Ivine Health that future paradigm exists today.